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Return to Work Tool

What is a Return to Work Toolkit?

The Return to Work Toolkit is designed to help a worker; who because of an occupational injury/illness to return to productive employment in a timely and safe manner. Effective Stay at Work/Early Return to Work programs have been shown to:


 Reduce or eliminate lost wages

 Reduce or eliminate lost time claims

 Reduce the costs of finding and retaining new workers

 Reduce workers’ compensation premiums

 Keep loss of productivity to a minimum


– From Workers’ Compensation Board of Nova Scotia


The quickest and easiest way for employers to report an injury is online on MyAccount.


What is MyAccount?

MyAccount is Workers Compensation Board of Nova Scotia’s essential online business tool for employers. It gives you 24/7 access to your account and claim information, and you can send and receive messages and documents securely.

You can use MyAccount to…

Send and receive documents securely – less fax, regular mail, or telephone tag

Submit an injury report and other forms

Report and submit payroll

Check clearance status for your business and your subcontractors

Manage your subcontractor list

View rate information

View monthly Statements of Account and reported payroll

Monitor claim status and costs in real time, and manage claims more efficiently

View newly registered claims and specific information such as case worker and direct phone numbers

View and calculate the costs of injuries on your business and compare your experience to your industry

Identify claims with outstanding injury reports

Monitor appeals

View inspection reports, compliance orders and other Occupational Health & Safety documents


MyAccount Support

Questions about how to use MyAccount? Call (782)-414-0733.
Below is the link to login or register for MyAccount 
– From Workers’ Compensation Board of Nova Scotia


What is Direct Access?

Direct access to early assessment of sprains and strains at work provides injured workers more timely access to the healthcare services they need. It enables workers to go directly to a WCB approved healthcare provider, such as a physiotherapist or a chiropractor, for an assessment, allowing the return -to-work process for sprain & strain injuries to begin right away.
Click here for more information

Return to Work Definitions:


WCB Injury Report
WCB injury report is required to be completed when a worker is injured at work.

Transitional Duties/Modified Duties
Transitional duties are any temporary changes to the workers job tasks that align with their functional abilities – what the worker is able to do. If the worker is unable to immediately return to their original job, providing transitional duties will help them recover.

Functional Assessment
An assessment tool that provides objective data regarding the guidelines and limits by which an injured worker can safely and productively complete work tasks in relation to their employability.

Job Demands Analysis/ Job site
An analysis to evaluate a job to make a definitive statement about that job, its risks, requirements and productivity. A job-site analysis uses principles of ergonomics with respect to the WCB job-site analysis are primarily used as a precursor in developing return-to-work programs.

Return to Work/Stay at Work Plan
A return-to-work / stay at work plan is a tool for managers/supervisors/WCB contact to proactively help ill or injured employees return to productive employment in a timely and safe manner.

Return to Work Program/Stay at Work Program
A Return to Work Program is a formal documented process that outlines the roles and responsibilities of both the employer and the worker following an injury at work. The program should be signed by the Owner/CEO of the company and communicated on an annual basis to the general workforce.

Return to Work Team
Health care professionals which shall include occupational therapists, physiotherapists, chiropractors, kinesiologists, psychologists, physicians, vocational specialists, the injured worker, employer and the WCB case Worker.

My Account
WCB NS online reporting & tracking system

Direct Access to Assessment
Direct access to early assessment of sprains and strains at work provides injured workers more timely access to the healthcare services they need. It enables workers to go directly to a WCB approved healthcare provider, such as a physiotherapist or a chiropractor, for an assessment, allowing the return -to-work process for sprain & strain injuries to begin right away

What are transitional duties?
Transitional, or modified, duties are any temporary changes to an employees job that match what they can physically do. The goal is to keep employees at work during recovery, this is important for the employees physical and mental well-being.

– From Workers’ Compensation Board of Nova Scotia

For more information click here

Below are suggested Transitional Duties/Modified Duties


Provide modification to preinjury role

Safety Training Courses (links)

 CCOHS Free courses

 NSTSA (Link to training)

Light housekeeping. Sweeping, dusting, etc.

Administrative work/ slight mobility working

Replenish first aid cabinets

Reviewing Safe Work practices

Coming up with Control Methods, after incident


Ordering supplies

Pick up trash in yard and lot

Ensure fire extinguishers & eyewashes are up to date

Complete Workplace Inspections

Sort & deliver mail

Help in training of new employees

Update Safety Data Sheet manuals

Mow Lawns

Update safety bulletin board

Job shadow

Create wellness board, which may include emergency contacts, local community events, healthy recipes, etc.

Clean tools

Salt driveways during winter months

Inspect building/ machinery for maintenance repair

Help develop emergency procedures

Answer phone

Steps to take when an injury occurs

Initiate first aid. If needed call 911 and ensure employee gets to a hospital safely or get employee to Physical therapist/chiro.
Link to preferred providers.

Supervisor Initiate’s injury/Incident report.
Incident Report Form

Ensure WCB injury report is filled out and sent to WCB. The WCB must receive the report within 5 business days after the injury was reported to you.
WCB Injury Report Form

Ensure the Physical Abilities- report – Form E (What can an injured employee do), is completed by Physio when an employee’s injury is assessed.
Physical Abilities Form

Report of a Workplace Incident

Employers are required to send written notice of certain kinds of accidents to the Director of the Occupational Health and Safety Division of the Department of Labour.
If any of the Accidents listed below occur in your workplace call Department of Labor at 1-800-952-2687

Workplace Accidents

“Bodily injury” means unconsciousness, substantial blood loss, fracture of an arm or leg, amputation of a leg, arm, hand or foot, burns to a major part of the body, loss of sight in an eye or any injury that places life in jeopardy.

Can the employee return to work?

Ensure a service provider assessment has taken place to determine what the employee is capable of doing

Yes, with regular duties.

Yes, with modified duties (suggested modified duties above)

No, not functionally able to work

Supervisor follow-up and continuous monitoring.

Determine employees’ abilities with physical therapist and place them in a suitable job.

Maintain regular contact with employee.

Develop a plan with modified role. Alternate modified role with the employee’s regular duties.

Supervisor follow-up and continuous monitoring.

Employee shall meet with Physical therapist/chiro or doctor regularly to determine employees physical abilities.


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